Database error: [Table 'jpothier.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
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On my mind...

On my mind...


Begat, Bothered, Bewildered - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 3:52 pm

Another Bushism: on a visit to New Orleans

Begat, Bothered, Bewildered - New York Times At a stop at a building company in Gulfport, Miss., [W.] chirped biblically: “There will be a momentum, momentum will be gathered. Houses will begat jobs, jobs will begat houses.”


Pluton perd son titre, le soleil son trochée…

Classé dans: — site admin @ 5:32 pm

Bon, il faut se faire une raison… La perte est poétique: il y avait une certaine élégance à terminer la liste des planètes par le sombre trochée “Pluton", après l’avoir commencée par deux iambes ("Mercure, Vénus"); poursuivi par deux monosyllabes: “Terre, Mars", puis par une musicale alternance anapeste/iambe de “Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus, Neptune". Les poètes préfèrent l’impair, et ce soir le Soleil n’a plus que huit planètes.

A lire aussi: le blog de Corinne Lesnes I ♥ Pluto


FIRE & HEARTH 7/17/06

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FIRE & HEARTH 7/17/06

The Fire and the Hearth logo

Vol. 9.1 is out!

Tax Farmers, Mercenaries and Viceroys - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 6:21 pm

Tax Farmers, Mercenaries and Viceroys - New York Times Privatizing tax collection will cost far more than hiring additional I.R.S. agents, raise less revenue and pose obvious risks of abuse. But what’s really amazing is the extent to which this plan is a retreat from modern principles of government. I used to say that conservatives want to take us back to the 1920’s, but the Bush administration seemingly wants to go back to the 16th century.


Paul Krugman: Wages, wealth and politics - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune

Classé dans: — site admin @ 9:25 am

Paul Krugman: Wages, wealth and politics - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune Recently, Henry Paulson, the U.S. Treasury secretary, acknowledged that economic inequality is rising in America. In a break with previous administration pronouncements, he also conceded that this might be cause for concern.

But he quickly reverted to form, falsely implying that rising inequality is mainly a story about rising wages for the highly educated. And he argued that nothing can be done about this trend, that “it is simply an economic reality, and it is neither fair nor useful to blame any political party.”

History suggests otherwise.

[…]Finally, since 1980 America has been dominated by a conservative movement firmly committed to the view that what’s good for the rich is good for America. Sure enough, the rich have seen their incomes soar, while working Americans have seen few if any gains.

[…] it matters a lot which party is in power - and more important, which ideology. […] if and when Americans get a government that tries to do something about rising inequality, rather than responding with a mixture of denial and fatalism, we may find that Paulson’s “economic reality” is a lot easier to change than he supposes.


Homer au Musée d’Art Américain Giverny

Classé dans: — site admin @ 6:08 pm

Expositions temporaires du Musée d’Art Américain Giverny

Winslow Homer, poète des flots

Du 18 juin au 24 septembre 2006

Le Musée d’Art Américain Giverny et la Dulwich Picture Gallery de Londres organisent une exposition intitulée Winslow Homer, poète des flots, qui vise à présenter pour la première fois au public européen un aspect de l’œuvre du plus grand peintre américain du XIXe siècle.

Bien que ses représentations de la Guerre de Sécession l’aient tout d’abord fait connaître, Winslow Homer est à son apogée lorsqu’il représente l’eau, que ce soit dans ses huiles ou ses splendides aquarelles.

La présentation de cette exposition suit un parcours géographique : les marines de jeunesse dans la région de Gloucester, les scènes du port de Cullercoats en Angleterre, les marines de Prout’s Neck où il réside à partir de 1883, les aquarelles des tropiques, et enfin la série réalisée sur les monts Adirondacks et au Canada.

Trois garcons au bord de la mer Winslow Homer Trois garçons au bord de la mer, 1873 © TFAA


Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature - New York Times

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Hezbollah Leads Work to Rebuild, Gaining Stature - New York Times Nehme Y. Tohme, a member of Parliament from the anti-Syrian reform bloc and the country’s minister for the displaced, said he had been told by Hezbollah officials that when the shooting stopped, Iran would provide Hezbollah with an “unlimited budget” for reconstruction.

'Told you so...


Big Picture: Lewis & Clark

Classé dans: — site admin @ 10:31 am

Big Picture

Le Blog de Corinne Lesnes (Le Monde) est consacré à Lewis & Clark cet été.

The Morning After the Morning After - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 9:20 am

The Morning After the Morning After - New York Times The column “the morning after the morning after” is right in pointing at the importance of the post-crisis reconstruction. As Friedman points out, the onus may fall on Hezbollah to go about rebuilding all that Israeli bombs destroyed. I would not consider it beyond Syria and Iran’s political shrewdness to throw their immense weight behind this humanitarian goal–a great opportunity to restore their image and influence within Lebanon and throughout the Muslim world, to show that in peace as well as war they are the only friends you can really rely on, and to broaden the rift between Arabs and Jews. Offering American and Israeli aid to rebuild Lebanon would be money well spent: waiting for Europe to patch up the damage brings no easing of the hateful tensions, which is going to be necessary in the long run. George Marshall, where art thou?


Letters: Israel and Lebanon - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune

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Letters: Israel and Lebanon - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune

L'IHT publie ma lettre sur un édito de Thomas Friedamn, mais en en coupant mon argumentaire pour une politique qui permettrait à Israël et ses alliés de panser les plaies avec les populations arabes que la violence leur aliène: je me cite en rétablissant ce qui manque en italiques.

Thomas Friedman (”Buffett and Hezbollah,” Views, Aug. 10) makes good sense - everyone would prefer to make business, not war.

But the Palestinians and Lebanese cannot live in peace if they are under constant threat of having their power plants and other infrastructure bombed, supply lines broken, and elected politicians jailed or murdered before they have had time to adjust to the realities of running a government. All of this has happened in the last few months as Israeli citizens were, Friedman tells us, peacefully engaged in the business ventures of Warren Buffett and wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Even if the terrorists are hiding in the general population, Israel cannot tell its neighbors to just leave everything they have and beat it, and they will be all right, because obviously this is not what being all right is about. This policy should not be an option. Hezbollah is a terrible organization, it has ample support from Iran which is waging a proxy war through them, but Israel has to work harder to understand why it exists, has more and more supporters and fighters, and be imaginative about reversing the trend toward increased support for the group–being aggressive about cleaning up the mess they created, rebuilding infrastructures destroyed in previous crises could be a good idea, .

But it is probably too late. At the moment, the cold truth is that it is more sensible for young and old Arabs to put their trust in Hamas or Hezbollah than to expect Israel’s neighborly - and business-like - respect.

After centuries of ghettoes, one would hope that the Jews would come up with a better idea than to raise walls around the country to protect themsleves against their neighbors… even if some of them might delude themselves into thinking that it is the other way round: that they are walling up their restless neighbors in ghettoes. In the short run, ghettoes are inhuman; in the long run, they do not work. But sadly it is what Israel is turning itself into.

Jacques Pothier, Meudon, France

Pour illustrer le dossier, ce document interactif du NYT qui montre l'efficacité des bombardements Israéliens : le même quartier "Hezbollah" de Beyrouth, avant et après:

The New York Times > International > Interactive Feature > Interactive Graphic : Pummeling Hezbollah

Une initiative encourageante tout de même:


Cotton Mather contre l’empire du Mal

Classé dans: — site admin @ 9:53 am


La “guerre contre le terrorisme” de la droite fondamentaliste américaine reprend les arguments de Cotton Mather pour justifier la chasse aux sorcières en 1693. It’s “deja vu” all over again: Satan, voyant le succès du peuple élu en Amérique lance à présent ses légions dans une suprême bataille pour anéantir la Nouvelle Jérusalem. Dans cette perspective, s’interroger sur ce qui sous-tend la haine des masses musulmanes contre l’Amérique (et Israël) serait non seulement superflu, mais impie: ces haines sont, par définition, sans fondement. Al Khaïda, c’est l’Antéchrist, et son hostilité absolue, essentielle, irraisonnée, est justement la preuve de l’excellence de l’American Way… Voici comment Mather expliquait la chose à Boston il y a plus de trois siècles; n’étaient les références érudites, le raisonnement n’a malheureusement pas pris une ride:

The New Englanders are a people of God settled in those, which were once the devil’s territories; and it may easily be supposed that the devil was exceedingly disturbed, when he perceived such a people here accomplishing the promise of old made unto our blessed Jesus, that He should have the utmost parts of the earth for His possession. There was not a greater uproar among the Ephesians, when the Gospel was first brought among them, than there was among the powers of the air (after whom those Ephesians walked) when first the silver trumpets of the Gospel here made the joyful sound. The devil thus irritated, immediately tried all sorts of methods to overturn this poor plantation: and so much of the church, as was fled into this wilderness, immediately found the serpent cast out of his mouth a flood for the carrying of it away. I believe that never were more satanical devices used for the unsettling of any people under the sun, than what have been employed for the extirpation of the vine which God has here planted, casting out the heathen, and preparing a room before it, and causing it to take deep root, and fill the land, so that it sent its boughs unto the Atlantic Sea eastward, and its branches unto the Connecticut River westward, and the hills were covered with a shadow thereof. But all those attempts of hell have hitherto been abortive, many an Ebenezer has been erected unto the praise of God, by his poor people here; and having obtained help from God, we continue to this day. Wherefore the devil is now making one attempt more upon us; an attempt more difficult, more surprising, more snarled with unintelligible circumstances than any that we have hitherto encountered; an attempt so critical, that if we get well through, we shall soon enjoy halcyon days with all the vultures of hell trodden under our feet. He has wanted his incarnate legions to persecute us, as the people of God have in the other hemisphere been persecuted: he has therefore drawn forth his more spiritual ones to make an attack upon us.

En considérant les terroristes comme des individus essentiellement mauvais, utilisant comme un bouclier une population arabe qu’ils prendraient en otage mais qui ne demanderait qu’à les rejeter et à acclamer les libérateurs américains qui apporteraient la liberté, ce raisonnement a montré sa limite en Irak. Au Liban, l’offensive qui vise à anéantir une fois pour toutes le Hezbollah cimente au contraire les Libanais de toutes confessions autour de ceux qui apparaissent sans l’avoir cherché comme les résistants qui défendent l’honneur de la nation. Bien entendu, le Hezbollah n’a pas mérité cet honneur: il a déclenché son offensive contre Israël à un moment où l’Iran, qui l’a puissamment armé, était mis en difficulté sur son programme nucléaire par les pressions internationales, où le Liban avait secoué le joug syrien mais n’avait pas la force de reprendre le contrôle de sa région sud, où les Etats-Unis étaient si englués dans le bourbier irakien qu’ils ne pouvaient dégager des forces pour intervenir autrement que par procuration, à travers Israël. Mais ce n’est pas une raison pour qu’Israël poursuive, avec le soutien des Etats-Unis, une guerre qui avive encore le ressentiment et les frustrations musulmanes, dont on a vu les débouchés politiques avec l’accession démocratique au pouvoir d’anti-sémites autoproclamés, en Iran et en Palestine. Et attester de la survivance de l’anti-sémitisme qui prouverait le statut unique du peuple hébreu revient à retomber dans les délires millénaristes à la Cotton Mather.

Victorius Ciarrocchi: De Grege Latine loquentium deque linguae Latinae praestantia

Classé dans: — site admin @ 7:43 am

Victorius Ciarrocchi: De Grege Latine loquentium deque linguae Latinae praestantia Si linguam latinam per interrete loqui vis, ad hoc locum ite!

Lamont Defeats Lieberman in Primary - New York Times

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Lamont Defeats Lieberman in Primary - New York Times Le parti de la guerre au Moyen-Orient s’effrite, mais Lieberman veut toujours se présenter comme indépendant.


La Fayette : Catalogue en ligne - L’art des Etats-Unis dans les collections publiques françaises (1620-1940)

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La Fayette : Catalogue en ligne - L’art des Etats-Unis dans les collections publiques françaises (1620-1940) A l’occasion de l’exposition “Les artistes américains et le Louvre” jusqu’au 18-09-2006. (voir le dossier de presse)

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