Database error: [Table 'jpothier.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT ID, COUNT( comment_ID ) AS ccount FROM wp_posts LEFT JOIN wp_comments ON ( comment_post_ID = ID AND comment_approved = '1') WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND ID IN (50,49,48,47,46) GROUP BY ID

On my mind...

On my mind...


Sacrificing a Democracy While Supporting an Ally - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 11:34 pm

Sacrificing a Democracy While Supporting an Ally - New York Times At last someone (Roger Cohen) writes forcefully that it is not the consensus that Hezbollah is the sum of the problem. Israel’s government seems to pursue the harebrained idea that has been floated around since 9/11– that “terrorists” are a finite number of born evil-doers that needs to be wiped out of the surface of the globe for everyone to live on just fine. As the present conflict shows again, the terrorists will be pounded relentlessly so long as their refuge is with a weak state, like Palestine or Liban–Israel will not take on Syria or Iran, except in rhetoric. Terrorists are made, not born: the Hezbollah, I seem to remember, rose out of the atrocities of Sabra and Chatilah. The lack of concern for the Arabs’ dignity or life conditions by Israel and other western armies continues to make batallions of angry mudjahiddin for the decades to come…

Reign of Error - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 11:32 pm

Reign of Error - New York Times Big Brother est au pouvoir à Washington, et il arrive très bien à réécrire l’histoire.

The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in Iraq - New York Times

Classé dans: — site admin @ 11:31 pm

The Peculiar Disappearance of the War in Iraq - New York Times Comment Bush fait oublier sa sale guerre en Irak, pour mieux la continuer…


Internet Concert Project - Emerson

Classé dans: — site admin @ 2:10 pm

Internet Concert Project - Emerson Curiosité: cette page du Internet Concert Project de la Bloomington School of Music, qui permet d’écouter la “Concord Sonata” de Charles Ives, est illustrée d’une photo de la maison d’Emerson par votre serviteur.The Old Manse

For Better or For …Girth?

Classé dans: — site admin @ 11:27 am

En archivant des papiers, je retombe sur cette page du strip canadien “For Better of For Worse“, en date du 2 avril 2006, archivée sur leur site:

L’angoisse des parents dont les enfants sortent le soir est familière (encore que chez nous le cap de l’inhabituel se situe plutôt à 3 heures du matin qu’à minuit), mais c’est pas demain la veille que les Américain(e)s seront minces (même si c’est un strip canadien): baquet de pop-corn, grand gobelet de coca, pizza géante, re-coca, et encore un dessert bien crémeux pour terminer la soirée…

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